Sunday, May 10, 2015

This I Believe

One I'd Like to Share:
The essay I would like to share with our class is one by Nancy Yucius titled, "Live Your Life So That You Will Have No Regrets." In this Nancy talks about growing up with her mother that constantly reminded her of the importance of truly living life with no regrets. Her mother was a perfect example of this. Not only did she go on a six-month bicycling tour of Europe, but she was also her city's first licensed female pilot, while raising their children. Seeing her mother live such an incredible life inspired Nancy to want to do the same. She traveled, went back to school to get her masters, and lived every moment to the fullest with the support of her family. In her essay she talks about later being diagnosed with colon cancer and being told she would only have a year or so to live. She didn’t let this stop her from being herself. Alongside the inspirational quote her mother always told her, she also learned to believe that, “Everyone is dying all the time. Everyone is also living all the time. It’s all in your perspective which one you’re experiencing! Choose wisely.” So she went on with her life, visited friends, talked about her experiences, and tried to relive her fondest memories with her loved ones.

I connected with Nancy’s essay because I have a lot of trouble reminding myself to live my life doing the things that truly make me happy. For four years I participated in extracurricular activities that all served others in my community. Once I got to college I felt the need to also continue to do things that would make others happy. I constantly find myself putting others needs before my own. This really hurt me in college.

Coming to Santa Clara I was homesick, and struggled with my transition into college. By not living life with the way I wanted: overcoming challenges became ten times harder. So Nancy’s essay helps me understand the value of self-worth. It may sound selfish to many, but really reflecting on one’s life is important. I have learned to take time for myself and focus my energy on positive things. Things that make me happy will help me continue to live my life with no regrets and make my transition into college much easier.

I appreciated her words because it reminds me of the second week of spring quarter. The first two quarters of freshman year I kept trying to bring my high school experience to SCU. But after talking to upperclassmen from my high school I learned that I had to make the best out of my time at SCU and focus on finding a community here. I immediately thought of our student government. I decided to run for sophomore senator and was blessed with the opportunity to be elected as a senator for the upcoming school year. This immediately changed the way I viewed the Santa Clara community and allowed me to see light at the end of the tunnel. With this rewarding decision I made I hope to continue to take chances and partake in things that make me happy. It’s been a challenge to remind myself of the necessity to live for the things that put a smile on my face. I’m ready to make SCU my home and live my time here with no regrets. I cannot wait to serve my class and help develop our community into something great!

This I Believe:
I believe “This is my canvas and I’m going to paint it how I want it,” mentioned in artist J.Cole's song Apparently.

It took me two quarters to realize this statement is true for my time in college. I was so sure of it in high school, but recently rediscovered it again.

College is a place that I have learned so much about myself and people in the world. While some are negative, some are also positive. I myself need to look past my downs, but look forward to the ups that life will bring.

I have learned that for me college will be and has been a  time that I will change, grow, and develop into a strong, powerful, and independent women. I have had experiences that I need to learn from and continue to grow for my community and myself. I believe in being able to make my journey what its meant to be and in having the power to create a life for myself. I have already seen the way relationships and experiences bring change. But I am ready to take on challenges, overcome obstacles, and make out pf these experiences what i want for myself. 

I was born in a loving environment that always allowed me to be myself while staying true to my families' values. be strong, independent, follow your dreams, never give up, but never forget about your family and where you came from. What I got from it was to be me, Amy. i want to stand out and make my world the best it can be. From following my passions, to taking risk, traveling the world, and just living life to the world; I believe that my life is my canvas, and I cant paint to see how my painting turns out. 


  1. Amy, thank you for your post! I think it can take many people a long time to decide that they will paint their canvas the way THEY want to, not the way their parents, friends, or society tell them to. What a valuable lesson to have already embraced by the end of freshman year - I hope your time at Santa Clara is that much more rich for believing this!

  2. I love your quote. It's beautiful and beyond true. One's power over her destiny is greater than anybody would think. And your attitude on how to implement this is admirable. Take life by the horns and run with it!

  3. Your story reminds me of the quote "Carpe Diem," which means seize the day in Latin. If you have not already watched it, Dead Poet's Society, is a fantastic film about pursuing the things you love in your life. It's great Your passion and drive will take you far! Understanding that you shape your own path is an integral part of growing as a person. Be fearless! Embrace the unknown because the world starts where your comfort zone ends.

  4. Amy, I’m glad to hear that you are beginning to work towards fulfilling your personal desires! That’s anything but selfish! For me, the challenge tends to be the opposite. I usually seek to fulfill my own needs and often struggle to think about how I can help others. Your ability to actively make other people’s lives better is incredibly valuable, and I admire your willingness to dedicate both your time and energy to put others before yourself.

  5. Amy- I absolutely love that essay. I love that the mother still could live her dreams while raising her children. It's just another testament to the fact that your life cannot be exciting once you're an adult. I want to keep that philosophy in mind when I have my family too. That my life can still be mine! I admire that you are really searching for your purpose and SCU and trying to serve the community. You're going to great things Amy! Keep going, girl!
